
Our Stuff
Our Advertisement (Jun 24, 2022 21:30:46 GMT)
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Here is where our advertisements are held so one can advertise for us if they truly so please. Also, so the staff have an easy place to copy the advertisement when on an advertisement spree.
Affiliate Form (Jun 24, 2022 21:30:12 GMT)
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Here is where you can apply to be one of our affiliates. Create a thread using the pinned post's template.
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ZapdosZulu: A HG/SS Pokemon Roleplay (17+ Years and Going) (Jul 26, 2024 5:45:28 GMT)
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Have we yet to post and advertisement on your site? Post your advertisement here then. Make sure we can link back. Place the host in the title for ease.
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Have we advertised on your site? Post your link back advertisement here!
Commercial Zone
Here is where you can advertise your own forum or apply to be an affiliate.
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ZapdosZulu: A HG/SS Pokemon Roleplay (17+ Years and Going) ( Jul 26, 2024 5:45:28 GMT )
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