
Yoshida Batting Center
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A popular hangout for many a yakzua as well as just sporty individuals.
Pocket Circuit Stadium
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Run by the aging Pocket Circuit Fighting who has been in the business since the late 80s, this place is a popular hangout for kids and adults alike. Modify your pocket cars and race them against each other for many hours of fun!
Dragon Palace
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A seemingly abandoned multi-tennant building, if you know the right homeless people, you might be allowed in to the gambling hall orthe casino and even a weapons dealer can be found inside.
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Competing with Club Shine on Pink Street, JeweL is located north of the Millennium Tower and is full of girls just ready to sit down and talk to those who come to spend. Whether with the number one girl, or the new girl, many find their second homes here.
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Here is where you can play some darts, shoot some pool, invest money with a new Mr. Moneybags or simply have a drink at this bar.
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Whether it be yakiniku from Kanrai or korean bbq, this is where all the restaurants on the north end of Kamurocho can be found.
Shichifuku Street
The north part of Kamurocho, including the Hotel District can be found on and around Shichifuku street. Try your hand at the batting machines or perhaps take a break and eat some wonderful food at Kanrai. The world is your oyster here.
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