
Lists and Things
Character List (Jun 16, 2022 17:36:23 GMT)
3 threads
8 posts
This is where you can find the lists of characters, hierarchies, available roles, user lists, and just about any list you can think of.
Application [Civilian] (Jun 13, 2022 1:22:10 GMT)
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4 posts
This is where you will find the application template and submit your own application in this board for review. If it isn't done, just let a staff member know.
Active Apps
Goro Majima (Jun 24, 2022 22:33:11 GMT)
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2 posts
This is where all approved applications will go when approved for safe keeping and for looking back upon.
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If someone leaves or goes inactive, their application goes here in the hopes they may return or a future player could play their character and know what has been done.
This is where you can find all lists for the characters, lists of the yakuza families and their hierarchies, as well as any claims. This is also where you will submit your application for review as well as find any past applications.
6 threads
14 posts
Goro Majima ( Jun 24, 2022 22:33:11 GMT )
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