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Run by the Florist, here is the den for most affluent people who have ties to the underground. Cheating is strictly forbidden, but limits are nowhere to be found. Just don't bet too much and lose a finger or more.
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Whether watching the bloodshed or participating, here is where one can find their taste for violence sated. While killing is forbidden except in special fights, accidents do happen.
Florist Mansion
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If you need information or something difficult to obtain, here is where you should go as the Florist of Sai will be able to provide anything... as long as you're able to pay his price.
Information Network
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Located even deeper underground, the information network room is beneath the Florist Mansion and is accessible by only those the Florist deems worthy of said information. Just about anything happening in Kamurocho can be watched here.
Only those of the underworld tend to know of this area of West Park. Lying below the homeless encampment, this area is ruled by the Florist of Sai and most things are legal here.
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